Yeah, it is Spring! Spring came early to upstate New York. I am glad because Winter came early and was long. The birds and flowers are out. It is easier to get out and take a walk or play some tennis.
This week I had a couple of funny moments that I would thought I would share. A little boy in my class has webbed fingers and has had some surgery. We have talked a lot in class about how people are different but still the same in many ways. This week as I was sitting with him to try to get him to settle down at rest time, he was doing everything possible to stay awake. He was holding on to my pointer finger at one point and starts to count my fingers. He only counted 4 because he was holding on to one of them. He says "Oh, no. You only have 4 fingers." So I ask him what about the one you are holding on too? He decided that I had 5 after that. Then he talks about my "big hands" compared to his small ones. He is a cutie but he can also push some buttons at times. He loves to sing and parrot me. He will repeat directions or other conversations. At first I thought he was trying to be a smart-Alec but now I think he is just hyper sensitive and it is his way of processing things.
Then yesterday, I asked John to help me take out the garbage. So, he did with some grumbling. After that he comes in to put in a new bag. He pulls out a garbage bag and starts to yell at me because it is too small to fit the can. I waited for him to finish ranting then asked him to shake the bag out. He does and laughs to say "Oh it is magic." I told him that I have bought the same bags for years and that now that he has finally figured it out he needs to practice more often. By the way, he just learned how to load the dishwasher soap and start that too.