Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Well, Brittany has finished for the summer and today is Carissa's last day. It is her moving up day and she was so excited to find out who her new teacher will be for next year that she did not sleep well. She has a half day and is going to call me with the news when she is done.

It is my last day with the kids and then I have a day to clean up. It is always easier to clean up the room than it is to set it up in the fall. This year my room is going to be painted. Yeah.

My family and I are looking forward to spending the next week at camp. We will be there for the 4th of July and the weather looks great. John has not had a vacation for over a year and he is looking forward to the time off. We are going to be lazy by sleeping late, swimming and enjoying a few campfires. The water in the camp pool was only 68 degrees this last weekend. John and I did not get in but that did not stop our girls from enjoying the large pool. I am hoping the water will be warmer this week. However, at night it has been getting cool and we have had a little rain almost every day. The rain is what we need for some grass seed we planted on a bare spot at camp but not to warm up the pool.

Ok - Last night I laughed at the stupidest shows but it was funny. Carissa had the TV on and this new show called WipeOut came on. I was set to go read but stayed for a few minutes and got hooked. They had these 4 large, red bouncy balls that the contestants were suppose to jump across. No one was able to do it. They all fell in the water and it was hysterical. It never got old. It was so stupid but funny. Check it out.

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