Saturday, August 9, 2008

Where did the summer go?

Where did the summer go? I am headed back to work on Monday. I know my husband is happy about this and I look forward to a new school year.

The girls and I have been watching out for some back to school sales. Just like any holiday, it seems like the back to school sales starts earlier and earlier. However, we have found some good sales. We found notebooks for 5 cents and crayons for 25 cents. Brittany can not wait to go clothes shopping and John promised we would start next weekend.

The girls and I spent this last week at camp. While John was at training in Virginia. We had fun riding bikes, swimming, and playing lots of games. One morning I could not get the girls to walk the dogs. So, off I went with the dogs for a walk and Jasmine started to pull me over to the horse shoe area. While I was waiting for her to do her business, I looked down and found a couple of dollars. I came back to the trailer and told the girls that it pays to walk the dogs. It was a little easier to talk Carissa into walking after that. I did really find the money but I should have thought of this sooner. The only time she did not care to walk them is at night because we could see the bats flying low over the trees.

While is was fun to be at camp, I am glad to be home with all of its space and comfort. Home Sweet Home.

1 comment:

Kari V. said...

I know what you mean. The summer went by fast. We have not been on a vacation this summer yet but hope to take one soon.