Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sunshine - Explanation

I use Sunshine in my user name not because of my first name. Rather because of the context I use it with my children at school. I am careful about using names and harsh words with my students. However, there are times when they can really push my buttons and I do not want them to know that they have pushed my buttons. So, I will often use the name sunshine. My assistant thinks it is funny and now knows the true meaning behind the endearment. She likes to use PITA for Pain in the Ass, but that is too close and other adults could know what that means. I have asked her not to use it. It would be horrible if a parent were in the classroom and caught on to her acronym. Well in any case we do not walk around calling our students names but sometimes a person can get frustrated and you need a way to vent.

Anyway, it is not meant to hurt but it allow me to vent. It is amazing how many children at this young age do not want to be called anything other than their name. They are very literal thinkers and will remind me of their name. Many will say no I am not "sunshine" or "sweetheart", I am ________ and give me their name.


Unknown said...

OK grandma needs some pictures of these 5 grandchildren having fun.
Love you guys bunches.

Kari V. said...

That is a good technique. I should try that with my boys. HEHE...