Sunday, July 6, 2008


Well the whole family had a fun and relaxing vacation. We did not do much other than go to the pool, play some games, and enjoying our campfires. I enjoyed the fireworks at the local park in Auburn. I also found out that John thinks they are all the same and is not a big fan. He did go because the girls and I wanted to go. We also went to the drive-in theatre on Saturday and watched a triple feature. The Hulk was pretty good, but I was disappointed with Wall-E and then Strangers was well strange. We enjoyed a beautiful evening by sitting in the bed of the truck in our chairs sharing pizza.

My sister, Karen and her girls came to visit on Friday. The girls had a good time in the pool because they could touch in the 3 foot end. They also seemed to enjoy the playground and we had a good time visiting with her. John invited her to spend the night with the girls. She did not do it this time but we are hoping to talk her in to it in the future. We have a few pictures that I will update soon. I have to downlaod them to the computer.

The cranky campers did not appear again during the week which was a blessing. We tried to keep to ourselves or others who were friendly and that seemed to work. We did put the dogs in the camper with the windows closed, air conditioner on, and even the radio. This seemed to help. However, plan B is in the works. We did find out that the one gentlemen is a retired Marine and this helped to explain his personality a little but the rest of the week went great.

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